Monthly Archives: February 2010


A portrait I did earlier today for Buddhadharma Magazine.
Always a pleasure working with these guys!


Just got back from a very relaxing week in Savannah and made this card for my friend who took us on the trip. It’s of her amazing dog Arthur, who is the cutest Brussels Griffon I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Fun in the Sun

Another piece I did this week about spring coming. I will be getting a preview of the warm weather this week b/c I’m going to Savannah! Don’t think we’ll be able to swim but it will be nice to be able to walk around in a t-shirt and hang out with crocodiles.


Spring Cats

A personal piece I did this past week about waiting for spring to come (in the company of a mystical cat).

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is coming…..
don’t forget the chocolates!


I, along with much of the population, was mesmerized for the past few months by the show “Jersey Shore”. And of course my favorite was Snookie (though Ronnie’s love of moving to the beat held a special place in my heart as well). I especially liked how no one could seem to remember her name (Snickers, Snookers, Schnook,etc.). So here is a drawing of the self-proclaimed Princess of Poughkeepsie.