Category Archives: Inspiration


For an upcoming project…

French Life Vacation

A French lifestyle website contacted me about using a painting (with permission) I had done 4 years ago, for the “Vacation” section on their site. I had kind of forgotten about this piece until they emailed me- it’s kind of fun to reminded of old work that you still actually like!

These awesome cat prints are by PAM. The best part is (aside from the obvious), the blue print comes in a jumpsuit. Soo good…

Found these a few weeks ago on the internet, though I forget where at the moment. I have been thinking of doing a series of silhouettes lately now that all the leaves have dropped and the bare trees make such intricate shapes against fall sunset.

Aurelius Battaglia

I came upon these illustrations by Aurelius Battaglia recently. Some I had seen before, others I had not. They are all soooooooooo good.

Above is on of my favorite pages

I love the more painterly texture and contrast in this guy.

The kittens who lost their mittens!!

Roberto Capucci

A few weekends ago I was lucky enough to see the Roberto Capucci exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the day before it closed. Capucci’s work was so inspiring. From the super detailed beadwork to the painstaking method in which they pleated the fabrics, it was a pretty amazing show. You weren’t allowed to photograph or sketch within the exhibit, but I did some quick sketches after based on what I saw. I definitely want to find more reference of his work so I can keep drawing these crazy dresses!

Mimi Vang Olsen

I was looking at Fanny B.’s blog this morning and was so excited to see her post on cat portraits by Mimi Vang Olsen. Last summer I was wandering around the West Village and stumbled upon her pet painting studio/store front. How amazing is it to have almost an entire business dedicated to painting cats?!? (She paints dogs as well). I can only hope that one day I can follow in her foot steps.
I love the refined folkiness of her paintings, as well as her use of patterns and decorative elements. Overall, just sooooo good.


Not sure who the artist is of these old illos but probably isn’t too hard to find out. I love the quality of the lines of these, and the simplicity and expression that comes through with each mark.
Totes cool!